Neyse Eluard'ın sözleri etkileyici: (Çevirmeden koyduğum için kusura bakılmasın. Zamansızlık)
I read, understood, and loved Victor Hugo at 13 ... Hugo was for me at 13,
the illumination of poetry and I might say of the world ... La Fontaine taught
me to read, as it were, but Hugo taught me to speak ...
What will best preserve Hugo's works from time's assaults is the
vulgarity with which the 'enlightened' have reproached him. Is Victor Hugo
vulgar? Yes, if to be vulgar is to reveal his emotion without doubting that of
others. Yes, if it is to assert boldly the exclusive inportance of Good (over
Evil). Yes, if it means not fearing any single world, be it the rares or most
banal ... How also could one excuse the bad taste he showed in celebrating the
poor, better and more highly than anyone else, in words sparkling with truth
and generosity.
(Aktaran: Albert W. Halsall. Victor Hugo and the Romantic Drama. s. 151)
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